. |
Heroes |
by Todd Dezago, Mike Wieringo, & Paul
Mounts |
Paperback: 152 pages
Image Comics
ISBN: 1582401861 |

Dimensions (in inches): 0.35 x 10.20 x 6.66
2: Kindred Spirits |
by Todd Dezago & Mike Wieringo |
Paperback: 136 pages
Image Comics
ISBN: 1582402310 |

Tellos is cleverly
described as being for those who are leaving Harry Potter on their way
to Tolkien via Narnia. A delightful adventure series with talking tigers,
pirate queens, magical swords and a young boy`s quest that will fire the
imagination and delight the senses of all readers. |
Dimensions (in inches): 0.32 x 9.44 x 7.42
Endgame |
by James Robinson, Jackson Guice, & John
Beatty |
Paperback: 80 pages
Dark Horse Comics
ISBN: 1569713731 |

He said he`d
be back! The long out-of-print finale of the original Dark Horse Terminator
run is finally available in one volume. In 1984, Sarah Connor is about
to give birth to the savior-to-be of humankind`s future. But in the 21st
Century, the monstrous supercomputer SkyNet has one last chance to ensure
its own future -- by sending its last man-machine across time to terminate
Sarah before John Connor can be born. |
With an unexpected
ending that longtime Terminator fans will enjoy, Endgame features a taut,
cinematic script by Eisner Award winner James Robinson (Starman, Leave
It to Chance) and detailed, action-packed visuals by Jackson Guice and
John Beatty. Endgame marks the end of the original Terminator era with
a bang -- lots of them!
Dimensions (in inches): 0.26 x 10.18 x 6.65
by Roy Thomas & Gil Kane, w/ Jim Woodring |
Paperback: 200 pages
ISBN: 0932956203 |

Richard Wagner's
operatic Ring Cycle is presented in full-color graphic novel form:
mortal hero Siegfried is sent to slay a dragon, reclaim the gods'
stolen gold and rescue the Valkyries' Brunnhilde from fiery doom. |
In a major departure of
theme, Comix Art God Gil Kane took on no less than The Ring Cycle from
Alberecht's theft of the Ring of Power all the way through The Immolation
and downfall of The Gods. Only an artist as confident as Kane could have
ever gotten away with such a gutsy move. He is aided by a fairly tight
and concise rendering of the story by Roy Thomas, no slouch himself. The
magic of this pairing is that Thomas clearly knows when to leave certain
elements of the story to Kane and his visual mastery. Every panel is kinetic
with movement and the art is far more mature, as it ought to be. Below
there are reviews with silly warnings about the nudity in these books as
if you would give your five year old a story about a Hero (sigfried)having
passionate relations with his sister (Brunhilde)! Laughable. The Ring Cycle
is a very adult story by nature and Kane/Thomas treat it with the respect
that a story for thinking individuals deserves. If you were expecting GOODNIGHT
MOON, you are on the wrong page pal. However, I think any kid old enough
to watch Discovery Channel unsupervised could be trusted with this material.
In fact, this rendering of the RING is far more comprehensible than a Cliff
Notes version they will inevitably buy in Highschool and far more entertaining. |
Sadly, with Kane's death
a year ago, we will not be treated to any more of his insightful and original
treatments of timeless material. If you only know his Superhero stuff,
you really need this book and you must also track down a used copy of the
now out of print BLACKMARK. Kane's THE RING is simply a treasure for the
art, the way the art tells the story and the succinct summary of a complex
and lengthy Literature Classic. Too bad he couldn't have also done WAR
& PEACE, since his version would have been much more interesting. |